 Now i am going to tell about the 7 Feelings in life which makes us to feel bad sometimes and all negative feeling.Get those blocking feelings away and get confident in life. OK let's get started


1)FIRST feeling is based on SURVIVAL and blocked by  FEAR

There the FEAR is the block for the SURVIVAL this fear commonly comes in our mind when we think of our feature. Feature in the sense not the far feature but near like in some problems we think of it's feature and there we start FEAR. If we have done the wrong thing we have to think at that time itself that am i doing the right thing or not and if by knowingly done the wrong thing then why do you fear to face it? and if u have done the wrong thing unknowingly then don't fear. The solution will also comes and it will be solved u will survive don't fear for every thing and even this fear will make all our confidence down so don't fear LET YOUR FEAR GO AWAY and in every satuvation we will survive and don't block it by fears. Make yourself confident don't get influenced by others negative feel on you.

2)SECOND feeling is based on PLEASURE and blocked by GUILT

There the Pleasure is the feeling of happy and enjoyment the happiness which we get from others when we help them and many more things which makes us to feel happy but this feeling is blocked by GUILT. Guilt is nothing but the blames which we upon our self. Those blames are not the reality because those blames are created in our own mind and they are not real and if at all, it is your fault then YOU MUST LEARN TO FORGIVE YOURSELF to unblock this guilt.Think of yourself that this fault won't be happens by me again then there u will start learning forgiving yourself instead of punishing yourself or feeling sad.Because this often happens in every peoples life.

3)THIRD feeling is based on WILL POWER  and blocked by SHAME

There the WILL POWER means the power  to overcome anything and it's mainly blocked by the SHAMES. Shames are nothing but the impossibilities we have in our self and the disappointments don't think this is not possible by me think it is possible(if not now but sure in feature) then let go all your impossibilities and think only this IF WE WANT WE HAVE TO make you yourself strong

4)FOURTH feeling is based on LOVE and blocked by GRIEF

Many teenagers think of this like i don't have any love in their sense(BF/GF). But keep in mind that the LOVE is not that but it is also a form of energy which likes to be with us it doesn't get destroyed when you lost your loved once it will comes to again with new form of life and be shill if your love is true and real it will come to you in right time so don't wait for it or don't think about it.

5)FIFTH feeling is based on TRUTH and blocked by LIES

TRUTH and LIES are often told by every one in there life to manage some things or to escape from any problems but TRUTH always wins because it hurts at once and then you are free but the LIES you have spoken will always makes to think in one or the other way. Truth is like tell it once and feel free but Lies are like tell it once feel happy at that time and suffer till they know the truth. So friends don't tell lies to anyone specially the person who trust you blindly because it can't be corrected again if u loose their trust once.You should accept the truth even if it hurts others.

6)SIXTH feeling is based on INSIGHT and blocked by ILLUSIONS 

The words INSIGHT and ILLUSIONS are nothing but the fake and the real people who comes in every persons life the real people refers to INSIGHT and the fake people refers to ILLUSIONS the main thing is the real people means the good man who doesn't think bad for others and he thinks good to others and helps them but when they comes in our life to correct us we feel he is not good and we feel negative on them but if we continue with them then we will be lead to happy times in our life but the fake people are like at first we feel comfortable with them and has the day goes on we'll start seeing the bad days of our life. The only think we find the real men is when we get contact to them not too close but just a contact will makes you to know about him/her


The word YOUR FEELING ON YOURSELF means the feeling inside you. Once you have done all the above blocking feelings clear then you will feel yourself inside and it is also blocked by the  earthly attachments like the person you love the most and the time comes where u have to leave them to be frank it is impossible to leave you are loved once but we have to overcome this too YOU MUST LEARN TO LET GO and forget that surrender yourself to your internal feelings and get balanced in your life it is not the must that you have to let go but if time comes then we have to be ready for that too. and get balanced in your life.




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