The Feelings is one of the very precious and unpredictable because it differs form one person to another person. And to understand others feelings is also quit difficult and a long process too. To understand some ones feelings first you  need to OBSERVE them first OBSERVATION tells you lot of things in every field if you are a good observer.
and to know about a someones feeling u have to observe him in every directing in every time(like past & present) how will he behave with his friends, relations, teachers, co-workers. every field and see in which field that person is comfortable. Then try to be close from that field. And second thing you need is TALK this is very important because only this can make know of the person i can suggest some type for you. First is talk good to them every person likes the good character if they are good. There you can justify weather the person is good or bad. If they talk less to you just like what ever you ask they are replying with one word answers then that person is uncomfortable with you or just don't like to talk to you if this is your case then just leave them alone and wait for the time to come where u can interfere in their life POSITIVELY. And by talking you can know a persons feelings and their deep down sorrows. And never share your negative feeling with them until you are close enough to them. And try to make some good speech to them that when ever they call or talk to you. You have to make them smile or laugh before ending your conversation every time. It will make them feel positive with you. And has this process goes on you can see the improvements with you. Has they start sharing their friends problems,their problems, families, relatives, surroundings. At that time you have to collect both their positive and negative  meaning at which part they are happy and which part sad. And then try to correct their negative with positive terms that have collected from that person in the past conversation. And by this you can come to about one person's feelings completely. And to make all these you have to take real patience.  


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