Adjusting with the SITUATION

Adjusting the word describes to getting set to everything new with one or more problems. First of all we will discuss about the problems. Usually problems are created by us and solving it needs a lot of patience. Problems are created with TIME and ENVIRONMENT we live.

 Time is most precious thing which can't be reversed. Environment is the living thing's round us. We can't compromise with time but we can compromise with our environment. So for that we have to study our environment. We have to get know people around us. Like some are sensitive and some are short minded, narrow minded, political, etc.. many are there but we have to be with those who are comfortable with. To know people we have to give them a chance be and then we have to move on because under some situation by overconfidence we make mistakes so we have to let others to do for the first time has a chance and we can guide them from behind so that we will get a chance to correct our self form other's mistakes and even it will helps you to understand your environment better. Getting know of our environment is very important to get adjusted with and for that we have be in peace mind and take patience accept what others say or suggest don't go in your own way and see things has you imagined because if your imagination is in correct way then there won't be a problem. But usually it won't be in a way we imagined and then things starts going worse like disappointment by your friends or co-workers or classmates every thing related to it. And if you are already facing that problem then there is a way to get it solved. Even for that you have be more calm and patience. Even every one is looking at you in a different way don't get upset (Because there will be a person who know about you very well and will be in contact with you far or near from you). First set your anger to zero (Don't get anger on small things). See the people around you in their eyes because in people main thing which makes them to think different is MONEY. Rich man thinks in a way he wants to be and a Poor man thinks in way to be under someone. He don't wants to make orders he only obeys commands form people those status is higher then him and the middle class people thinks in both way has he/she needs to be. So the purpose behind seeing in their eyes is this  we can understand their present situation and. We can react to their situation and if we are like this with every one then automatically every thing will set back to normal. And if we be like this then we can adjust to any place according to environment and there are some persons who won't change themselves for others forget them because they need something big to happen in their life to get changed so ignore those type of mentalities even if every one are close with you. You have to be normal with everyone else just like mirror. And one last thing BE SMILING  :-)


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